Asking where people should work in the future might not be the right question, the question should be: what’s the option that enables people to have better health and productivity? If we articulate a good answer for that maybe it would make us understand what is the future of work.


It’s a question many are asking to the collective intelligence in order to reimagine how and where we work. Different studies have discovered that most people want a hybrid model, where they sometimes work remotely and sometimes go to the office.


Human resources policies and leadership practices have changed, and new workforces segments are emerging. The truth is organizations are struggling to provide models that satisfy the needs of all workers all the time, but maybe it’s not possible to make everyone happy consistently so, hybrid might be the closest answer to this dilemma. 


In any way, in this article we´ll check out a couple of tips that you should consider if you are looking to prepare your workforce for the future.


What is the future of work?: tips to prepare your workforce


The pandemic has certainly triggered a transformation in our lives. We’ve been forced to drastically change the way we work, travel, seek care, spend our free time and interact with friends, family and other people we love.



You might be interested in:  4 advantages and disadvantages of hybrid workplace



1 | Adaptability and changes


Adaptation is key, so today you should look at your people and start considering how they are working, what they think, how they feel and react today. Maybe you´ll find out the shift to remote work is better for them or maybe not.


You might discover that a system you put in place as an emergency alternative to survive the pandemic works better than what you actually used before.


2 | Retention of workers is important


Employee retention is more important than ever before. We need to understand quality employees are considered premium. While it was effortless to keep them on board during the height of the pandemic, they’re beginning to realize they have alternatives.


Today people are thinking twice about their current position, everyone is evaluating roles, payment and the expectations they value the most. A retention strategy might help your HR team to cope with different situations ahead.


3 | Train Your Workforce


We all know this is important but, you should always remember introducing your workforce to new strategies, tools, or technologies that the company is adopting is necessary, and it’s also a good way to generate trust.


The best way to do that is up to you. According to different studies online courses are reported to still rank second compared to in-person studies, in terms of perceived effectiveness. 


3 | Human resources processes 


HR collaborators have had to work hard in their organizational agility in order to keep up with the quick and unexpected changes at their workplaces, for instance, a massive transition to remote work. 


It’s been almost two years but, the pandemic continues to make the future of many businesses uncertain, prioritizing and taking care of employees has become one of the most relevant parts. 


HR has always been responsible for this in some way, but everything has taken on a brand new meaning, so we can say key priorities nowadays are:


  • Cultivating the wellbeing of employees.
  • Give alternatives when it comes to the place people work from
  • Facilitate effective remote work
  • Engaging employees.  Effective communication is key
  • Be committed to diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Cultivate the company culture
  • Build good relationships with frontline collaborators


Midtown HR is the company behind a hundred happy companies. We´re focused on simple solutions for payroll and taxes, propose benefits that really feel like benefits, keep up with employment law and also help protect your team. Let’s talk!


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