Choosing the right PEO (professional employer organization) could be something not easy for some companies, so before making your decision you can check out a couple of pieces of advice we organize in this article.
First thing you need to learn is what features to look for when choosing a PEO. A professional employer organization is basically a great HR solution for small/medium business owners. As we’ve said in previous posts, PEOs use a co-employment model, which grants businesses access to different benefits, including health and dental insurance, workers’ compensation coverage and risk management support, among others.
How to choose the right (PEO) professional employer organization?
1 | Analice their accreditation and performance
One of the first things you need to look at when you are selecting a PEO is to ensure they run their processes the right way, and in order to do that you can consider what follows:
- Be sure the PEO is accredited.
- They are members of NAPEO (National Association of Professional Employer Organizations)
- Ask if their financial states and different operations are certified by an outside source.
2 | Experience in compliance aspects
Everything related to compliance is changing constantly, with new mandates coming down monthly from federal, state, and local authorities. One of the main tasks a professional employer organization has is to help your company apply all the knowledge associated with staying up to date with compliance.
3 | What kind of benefits does the PEO offer?
This is one of the main reasons organizations decide to work with PEOs, because everyone wants to receive better benefits (quality benefits) or check out a list with different good options, so take the time to revise what programs they offer, how those programs compare with your offerings today, and it’s important to understand everything related to costs as well.
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4 | Testimonials and reviews can help
When it comes to choosing the right options and making decisions, the opinions of other people or maybe companies that have worked before with the PEO can be something useful and beneficial. Actually you can ask them about references from other clients.
To get the best benefits requires partnering with the right PEO. At the end of the day, it’s clear that choosing the right one can take your human resources, payroll, and general HR management efforts to the next level, which means happier employees around.
Midtown HR is focused on simple solutions for payroll and taxes, propose benefits that really feel like benefits, keep up with employment law and also help protect your team, ¡Let’s talk!